
How To Optimize a Landing Page for Lead Generation: Best Practices

Picture of Jason Call

Jason Call

Owner of Handyman Marketing Pros

Table of Contents

how to optimize a landing page for lead generation

As a handyman or home improvement business owner, you rely on your website to generate new leads, but grabbing and holding the attention of potential customers can be challenging in the competitive online space. You must optimize your landing pages to engage website visitors and convert them into qualified leads. 

In this article, we teach you how to optimize a landing page for lead generation so that you can incorporate best practices into your handyman website design

Establish Your Goal for the Page

Sometimes, business owners and marketers fill a landing page with too much information, resulting in a cluttered page that distracts visitors without engaging them on a meaningful level. 

To create an effective landing page for your handyman website, begin by establishing your primary goal: What do you want to accomplish with this page? You may want to highlight a specific handyman service, offer a deal to new customers, or introduce past clients to your business’s service contract options. 

Once you establish your goal for the page, you can use it to drive the individual elements, such as page content, navigation, and calls to action. 

Write Clear, Concise, High-quality Copy

Page content quality can significantly impact the impression you make on potential leads. The best landing page copy explains the value of your handyman service clearly and quickly. For example, you may address a common pain point and offer a solution through a service, discount, or downloadable resource. 

Keep the following additional tips in mind to create effective landing page content:

  • Avoid pushy and “salesy” language.
  • Remain professional without relying on industry jargon.
  • Be honest and up front about service fees and processes.
  • Highlight what sets your handyman business apart.

Trust your landing page content to a good writer who understands proper grammar and mechanics to maintain a trustworthy and professional voice. 

Create Catchy Headlines and Subheadings

Craft the page’s headline and subsequent headings to catch visitor interest and provide clear organization. A poorly written or excessively long headline can turn readers away, as can a block of text with no subheading structure.

To write a powerful headline, keep it short and to the point. A visitor should immediately understand what value your handyman business offers. 

Adding subheadings to your landing page improves readability by breaking down content into organized, easily digestible pieces. For example, you may use subheadings to separate the services you want to highlight on the landing page, with one section for plumbing repairs and another for electrical work. 

Include Clear and Visible Calls to Action

Business owners wondering how to optimize a landing page for lead generation must make good use of their calls to action (CTAs). Landing pages generate leads by collecting visitor information in exchange for services or other offerings, but they only work with clear CTAs. When you present a problem your handyman business can solve, you want the potential customer to take the next step (i.e., schedule a consultation, download a free guide, or subscribe to a newsletter) and provide their information. 

Optimize your landing page with clear CTAs throughout to convert more page visitors into leads. Keep them short and action-oriented. For example, you may prompt page visitors to “Schedule a FREE estimate,” “Download the guide,” or “Subscribe.”

Use Dynamic Content

The most effective landing pages use headlines and calls to action that speak directly to the individual visitor. Still, you don’t need to create multiple pages to engage with potential customers at various stages in the buying journey. Dynamic content meets the visitor where they are by displaying different headlines, images, and CTA buttons based on the user’s past engagement with your website. 

For example, a landing page may greet a new site visitor with a “welcome” message and a returning visitor with a “welcome back.”

Include Engaging Videos

Video content has become increasingly important for website optimization to engage successfully with visitors. You can boost your lead generation by adding relevant videos to a landing page, such as customer testimonials, informational videos, and short demos. 

Compelling landing page videos focus on one objective, whether you want to teach your audience something or explain your business’s value. Ensure you only use relevant video content on a landing page to avoid unnecessary clutter and confusion.

Speed Up Page Loading Time

Even a well-designed landing page with a catchy headline and personalized calls to action may struggle to convert prospects into leads if it doesn’t provide a positive user experience. 

Visitors often click away if a web page takes too long to load because of too many design elements, a slow network, or another reason. In fact, you could lose more than half of your potential leads if your page doesn’t load within three seconds.

Reasons why a landing page may load slowly include:

  • A congested host network
  • Excessive plugins 
  • Too much embedded media
  • Disabled page caching
  • Large image sizes

Various marketing tools, such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, exist to help you understand what’s negatively impacting your landing page load speed. 

Test, Test, and Test Again

A/B testing helps you discover the best methods for attracting and converting your target audience, but many business owners forget to test their landing pages. By conducting A/B tests, you can compare two versions of the same landing page to determine which generates more leads for your business. The more comparisons you run, the more details you can optimize to encourage maximum lead generation.

At Handyman Marketing Pros, we understand that you may not have the time to learn how to optimize a landing page for lead generation while managing business operations. We can help drive more leads to your business using effective lead-generation strategies. 

You can trust Handyman Marketing Pros with your digital marketing needs. We’ve worked with over 300 home improvement and handyman contractors since 2018, helping them maximize lead generation and revenue. Call us today at 530-444-6204 to learn how we can help you reach your business goals through online lead generation.

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