
3 Tips For Taking Better Project Photos For Your Handyman Business

Picture of Jason Call

Jason Call

Owner of Handyman Marketing Pros

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handyman project photo example

Here are 3 Tips to start taking better – and USEFUL – photos that will benefit your business and marketing.

Firstly, we should clarify – you NEED to invest time, energy, and money into getting high-quality photos of your work!

In today’s world, it is critical that your photos look great, are from good angles, and are taken on modern cameras.


Because, at the end of the day, amazing photos of your work can be the difference-maker in converting more eyeballs into paying customers.

Now, with that out of the way, let me give you the 3 biggest tips for taking great job photos:

1.) Take Horizontal Photos

If you are like most, you are taking a lot of photos on your phone.

And if so, then you need to turn that thing on its side before you click the button to take a photo!

Having a photo that is horizontal, not vertical (selfie-style), makes it way easier to use and allows you to use it in many more ways.

Before and afters, on your website, on print materials, and all of that.

Take your photos horizontally and you will be WAY better off because of their overall usability.

2.) Use A High-Quality Camera

If you are going to take photos of a job on your phone, make sure it has a great camera.

The good news is, most modern smart phones take great quality photos!

And better yet, if you can get a DSLR (think what a photographer uses) and figure out the basics you will be even better off.

People LOVE high-quality photos – give them to them!

3.) Clean Up And Use Good Angles

Don’t take photos while there is still equipment and trash all over the place.

Wait until everything is cleaned up, and spend an extra 5-10 minutes taking photos of your work.

Don’t get too bogged down in sheer photo volume – just focus on a handful of high-quality shots from good angles.

Overall, don’t just whip your phone out, snap a half-hearted photo, and try to shove it back in your pocket like you’re worried someone will catch you.

Get in the habit of following these tips when taking photos and, over-time, you’ll have a TON of amazing photos to use in your marketing strategy. In the long-run, this will be a huge asset to your business.

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